Veteran Housing Services
​                               ​
The future plans of RTTS                                              is to build upon the work                                              already accomplished in                                              previous years working with veterans. The Founders and many of the Board Members are involved with working closely with veterans in a life support capacity. RTTS services and programs, i.e., Veteran Home Services, The Entrepreneur Program, Housing Program, Training and Mentoring Programs, that have been developed saves and sustains the lives of many veterans.

​​Founders, Board Members and staff use their contacts to provide training for a skilled veteran workforce. Training that help remedy the needs of the homeless veterans and their family members. Most of the training are in areas that help in the rehabilitation of housing. Houses that veterans will occupy. They would also carry those 
skill-sets to generate income to sustain themselves and their families. The idea is to turn abandon properties 
into adequate housing for veterans. ​We need your help and your support with these and other efforts.

​​Donate a Property and/or make a monetary donation!

​The Entrepreneur Program:
Who is Eligible for RTTS?
​• Men and Women 18 years of age and older who have served in one of the armed forces.
​• Must be a resident of the Greater Chicago area OR returning to the Chicago area upon exiting the armed forces.

​Objectives of Project  
Employment: Employment is a critical stabilizing factor for those returning to their communities from military service. RTTS stresses job placement, job retention, and increasing every veterans earning potential, but particularly for those that have found it difficult to land work in their trained fields. RTTS offers job training.  Participants are provided hard and soft skills, which will increase their ability to find and keep a job.

Because adequate housing for returning servicemen and women is an important component of successful reintegration, RTTS stresses both satisfactory transitional housing and the movement from transitional to permanent housing.

​​Financial resources will be available for RTTS clients who are deemed eligible for housing assistance. The assistance will be issued in the form of a security deposit and/or first month’s rent.  

RTTS will provide mentoring and other services essential to reintegrating service men and women back into the communities. Clients will be matched with appropriate mentors who have preceded them in reintegrating from a division of the armed forces. Mentors will provide returning servicemen and women with support, guidance, and assistance with the many challenges they will face upon their return.